Members of the Supervisory Committee

Emmanuelle VERGER
Director of EDF Hydraulics
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Contact by mail
State representatives
- Bertrand GAUME, Préfet des Hauts-de-France , Préfet du Nord,
- Frédéric LOISEAU, Sous-Préfet de Dunkerque, permanent deputy,
- Geoffroy CAUDE, representing the Minister for Seaports,
- Julien LABIT, representing the Minister for the Environment,
- Cédric PEIGNAT, representing the Minister for the Budget,
- Chloé RAISON, representing the Minister for Economic Affairs.
Local authority representatives
- Martine ARLABOSSE, departmental councillor, representing the Nord departmental council,
- Christophe COULON, vice-president, representing the Hauts-de-France Regional Council,
- Franck DHERSIN, Senator, representing the Hauts-de-France Regional Council,
- Marjorie ELOY, community councillor, representing the Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque,
- Patrice VERGRIETE, Mayor, representing Dunkirk City Council, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Qualified persons chosen for their expertise
- Ludovic DECLERCQ,
- Isabelle DELON,
- Mme Laurence JACQUES,
- François LAVALLEE,
- Emmanuelle VERGER.
Dunkerque-port staff representatives
- Stéphane DAMMAREZ,
- Mélina MASI.
The following attend Supervisory Board meetings:
- Nicolas TRIFT, Government Commissioner,
- Catherine RIVOALLON, Deputy Government Commissioner,
- Iris RABENJA, Economic and Financial Controller General,
- Maurice GEORGES, Chairman of the Management Board,
- Daniel DESCHODT, member of the Management Board,
- Christian MINET, member of the Management Board,
- David LEFRANC, member of the Management Board.
The Audit Committee, which supports the Executive Board and reports to the Supervisory Board, audits the accounts and examines port strategies, making recommendations.
Designated members :
- Geoffroy CAUDE, chairman of the audit committee
- Franck DHERSIN, representative of the region
- Laurence JACQUES, Managing Director of EcoXtract
- Chloé RAISON, representative of the Minister for Economic Affairs
Members in an advisory capacity :
- Iris RABENJA,Controller General for Economic and Financial Affairs
- Catherine RIVOALLON PUSTOC’H, Deputy Government Commissioner
- Nicolas TRIFT, Government Commissioner, Deputy Director for Ports and River Transport