Dunkerque-Port is a major player in goods transport and the economy of the Hauts-de-France region. It enjoys an ideal geographic location in norther Europe on one of the world’s busiest seaways, large land reserves, and a potential market of 80 million consumers; as well, its good accessibility and high-quality infrastructures enable it to berth very large ships such as latest-generation container carriers.

As France’s foremost multimodal port, Dunkerque-Port is steadily strengthening its position with a constantly-growing share of road-alternative transport modes (52% in 2017).
To exploit all these advantages in a context of ever-greater volumes of trade by container shipping, Dunkerque-Port designed the CAP 2020 project, with the aim of increasing its capacity to berth the largest new-generation container carriers and offering a complete logistics system through the construction of a new complex in the Western Port (quays, dock, logistics parks).
The CAP 2020 project is expected to have positive effects on the regional economy in terms of jobs and added value, promote multimodal transport systems thanks to efficient rail and waterway connections, and reduce the environmental impact of goods transport.
A public consultation about this project was held from 19 September to 22 December 2017. This public consultation provided an opportunity for helpful discussions not only with local residents, but also with political, economic, industrial and social stakeholders. These discussions were led by a Special Public Consultation Commission (CPDP), under the direction of Jacques Archimbaud, and the Consultation’s conclusions were published on 22 February 2018.
These conclusions confirm the CAP 2020 project.
78.5% of those taking part expressed a favourable opinion through the CPDP questionnaire.
The National Public Consultation Committee (CNDP) reports also contained various suggestions and recommendations for the Port regarding the continuation of the project.
Based on these conclusions, Dunkerque-Port has decided to continue with the studies for the CAP 2020 project in order to prepare the file which will be submitted to the Public Enquiry.