On Thursday, 6 September 2018, the constitutive assembly of the Dunkerque Port Center association proceeded with the election of its board of directors.

Chair of the Board of Trustees at Dunkerque-Port, François Soulet de Brugière was elected chairman, Jean-Yves Frémont, deputy mayor of Dunkerque and community councillor, as vice-president, Franck Gonsse, trustee of ACMAPOR* and also Secretary-General of the dockers’ union (CNTPA), as secretary, while Philippe Bertonèche, president of ACMAPOR, will act as treasurer. Franck Dhersin, Vice-President of the Urban Community and Regional Council of Hauts-de-France and Stéphane Raison, Chief Executive Officer of the Dunkerque Port Authority complete the Board of Directors.
Backed by the common objectives of the Dunkerque Port Authority, the Dunkerque Urban Community, and the ACMAPOR-Port Museum Association, the establishment of a Port Center in Dunkerque has three purposes:
- Increase the drive of the port community by creating a venue to promote the skills, assets and trade relations created by the port’s activities and business lines,
- Assert the maritime and port identity of Dunkerque in order to reinforce the attractiveness of the Flanders-Côte d’Opale coastline, together with all the sea and inland ports of the Hauts-de-France Region within the framework of the Norlink Ports Association.
- Open the port to citizens by communicating who we are, what we do and our development projects.
A section within the Port Museum with 240 sq. m of floor space will be allocated to the Port Center where the public can be welcomed: it will include a resource center and organise visits to the port, as well as activities and events.
During the last meeting of the public debate commission about the project of the Port of Dunkerque “Cap 2020”, the attendees indicated a high level of support for the project and made clear their wish to keep contact with the port by means of a suitable organisation. The creation of the Port Center responds to that legitimate request.
*Association pour la création d’une maison de la vie et des traditions portuaires