As of this week, Damen Shipyards Group is the new owner of French shiprepair yard Arno Dunkerque, the only operator for ship repair and conversion in the 3rd largest French port, Dunkirk. The yard will continue its ship repair and conversion services. Furthermore, its personnel and management will remain in place, guaranteeing a seamless transition of the yard into the Damen Shipyards Group, which currently consists of more than 45 shipyards, repair & conversion yards and related companies.
According to Damen Shipyards, this acquisition fits perfectly in its long-term strategy of expanding its repair and conversion services. It is similar to the acquisition of Damen Shiprepair Brest (formerly Sobrena), which equally fitted in this strategy and, like Arno, not only included the yard, but also the entire staff. Arno Dunkerque is a long-term investment, integrally tied-in with Damen’s other repair activities.
France’s third-ranking port, Dunkirk is well known as a port handling heavy bulk cargoes for its numerous industrial installations. It has also built its reputation in other sectors such as cross-Channel RORO traffic to Great Britain, containers, fruits, etc. Classified as the seventh port of the North Europe Range which extends from Le Havre to Hamburg, Dunkirk is also the leading French port for ore and coal imports, France’s leading port for containerised fruit imports, and the country’s second-ranking port for trade with Great Britain.
About Damen Shipyards Group
Damen Shipyards Group (est. 1927) operates more than 45 shipyards, repair yards and related companies worldwide. Damen employs over 6,000 people in 34 countries, has delivered over 5,000 vessels since 1969 and delivers up to 150 vessels annually. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept and short delivery times, Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality. Damen’s focus on standardisation and modular construction leads to short delivery times (Damen keeps vessels in stock), low ‘total cost of ownership’, high resale value, proven technology and reliable performance. Damen offers a wide range of products, including: tugs, workboats, patrol vessels, high speed craft, cargo vessels, dredgers, offshore support vessels, oil-spill response vessels and even frigates and super yachts. For nearly all vessel types Damen offers a broad range of Services, such as Lifecycle Maintenance Services, Customer Finance, Training and transfer of (shipbuilding) knowledge.
Damen Shiprepair & Conversion
In addition to shipbuilding, Damen Shiprepair & Conversion offers a network of 12 ship repair & conversion yards worldwide, most of which are conveniently located along the North Sea coast from Brest (France) to Gothenburg (Sweden). Damen Shiprepair & Conversion operates more than 25 drydocks, graven docks and covered drydocks and offers onsite/onboard repair services. Conversion projects range from refitting small fishing vessels into private yachts to the complete conversion or rebuilding of large jack-up rigs