The share of alternative modes to road, traditionally above 50%, has reached a new milestone with the boom in pipeline traffic. That market share now represents 65%.

2019 was marked by a very high level of activity at the Dunkirk LNG terminal. The 72 port calls by LNG tankers recorded during the year generated traffic of 5.1 MT. The growth of more than 317% in gas volumes has naturally upset the modal breakdown of the port.
Transport by pipeline thus reached 34% of the port’s overland route volumes, up 23 points compared with the previous year.
River traffic increased by 200 KT, driven by the resumption of grain exports in the second half but also by the good performance of container traffic handled by NORD PORT SHUTTLE (NPS) on the Dunkirk – Lille – Dourges – Valenciennes corridor. Rail traffic, handicapped by a difficult end of the year, fell by 100 KT. Under the effect of the increase in traffic by pipeline, the river and rail modes now post respective shares of 11 and 20% (12 and 29% in 2018).
In all, the share of alternative modes to road has now reached 65% of inland transport services from and to the port of Dunkirk.
In combined transport, the modal share of river transport has now reached 8% (+ 2 points compared with 2018) while that of the rail transport is stable at 2%.