With an annual throughput of more than 4 MT, Dunkerque is a leading port in terms of food and agri-food products.

Grain represents more than 2MT and fresh produce also stands at around 2MT.
The logistics operators present in the port of Dunkerque have large-scale facilities, for dry as well as for fresh and frozen products. Recently, companies such as DUNFROST(logistics for frozen products), NORFRIGO(fishery sector), 24 H Frost(products processed into deep-frozen goods) have been enlarged or established on the site of the West Port of Dunkerque. Other investments are to come.
These service providers have also diversified the products processed as well as their origins / destinations. Finally, the range of new shipping services calling at Dunkerque has enabled the port to strengthen its position as a European hub by distributing products to Southern Europe, the United Kingdom and the Benelux countries.
In the health context linked to the coronavirus, Dunkerque-Port’s services are fully operational and fully mobilized. Strict measures have been taken to ensure the continuation of our customers’ business activities while preserving the health of our employees.
Border inspections by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (SIVEP) are one of the main tasks in Dunkerque, and the team also remains fully mobilized. Changes to worktimes have been necessary, however. For example, appointments for container inspections are only possible from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Common health entry documents (CHED) without the container can always be approved in the afternoon. All of the CHEDs issued using TRACES NT(Designated Points of Entry (DPE) and Community Points of Entry (CPE) will be approved by electronic signature and will therefore not result in the issue or delivery of a paper document. The Dunkerque customs authorities have been informed of this change, which has already been operational for several weeks in several Animal and Plant Health Border Inspection services in France, including that of Dunkerque.