Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque (GPMD) is extremely pleased with the Public Consultation about the CAP 2020 project, which ran from 18 September to 22 December 2017.

During these three months of informative and in-depth discussions, conducted very professionally by the Special Public Consultation Commission (CPDP), Dunkerque-Port presented its plans for a new container dock, CAP 2020, a major project for the economy of the port, the region and the Dunkirk area.
Dunkerque-Port attended the 90 events organised during the consultation (public meetings, focus groups, itinerant meeting points, theme seminars) and answered all the questions of those taking part.
These events allowed constructive discussions on the topics which are essential for the project to be understood by the general public and with the operators concerned in each of the industrial sectors associated with the project.
Throughout the consultation period, Dunkerque-Port also listened to the questions, queries, opinions and suggestions expressed on each of these themes, to ensure that everyone’s views are taken into consideration.
The meetings organised by the CPDP meant that everyone could give their input – port operators, experts, local residents, members of associations, representatives of government departments, and local officials – all providing information of value to Dunkerque-Port.
In addition, the Public Consultation was another opportunity for contact and dialogue between the port, the city and its residents, promoting even further our knowledge and understanding of each other.
The results of the questionnaire prepared by the CPDP, which were presented during the closing meeting on 19 December 2017, already show the degree of local interest in the project: 78.5% of those who responded are in favour of it.
After the public consultation report has been published and assessed by the National Public Consultation Commission (CNDP), Dunkerque-Port will have three months to decide on the action it intends to take on this project.