Enedis like RTE, the CUD and the GPMD, are crucial for the dynamism and attractiveness of the entire Dunkerque region. As part of their public service remits, they support the economic development of the region by providing quality electrical power to their customers, industry in particular.

Optimization of the power supply is one of the keys to the success of large industrial projects. Enedis and RTE are therefore natural partners with Dunkerque-Port and the Urban Community of Dunkerque in meeting the industrial and logistics challenges of the region and in building in advance – that is to say before knowing who the industrial end-customers are – an electrical substation, in record time, by 2021. It will be located on land in the West Port of Dunkerque and will convert 225 KV to 20,000 V, the total investment representing some 11 million Euros including tax. It will provide an initial power supply of 80 MW, in addition to the 40 MW still available within the precinct of the Major Seaport of Dunkerque (GPMD).
Set up to respond to the significant increase in future electricity requirements of the industrial port area of Dunkerque, the exemplary partnership is innovative for more than one reason: the substation has been co-financed by Enedis, RTE and the Major Seaport of Dunkerque, and the construction time has been halved compared with standard lead-times.
Enedis, networking electricity
Enedis is a utility company, manager of the electricity distribution network. It develops, operates and modernizes the medium and low voltage power grid and manages the associated data. It handles customer connections, 24-hour troubleshooting, meter reading and all technical interventions. It is independent of the energy suppliers who are responsible for the sale and management of the electricity supply contract.
RTE, Réseau de Transport d’Électricité
RTE,, Electricity Transmission Network, is a service company. Our basic mission is to ensure all of our customers have access to an economic, safe and clean electricity supply. RTE connects its customers with a suitable infrastructure and provides them with all the tools and services that allow them to use it to meet their needs, with a secure, stable and sustainable electricity supply. To do so, RTE operates, maintains and develops the high and very high network voltage. It is the guarantor of the proper operation and safety of the power system. RTE transmits electricity between electricity suppliers (French and European) and consumers, whether they are electricity distributors or directly connected to the power grid. 105,000 km of lines between 63,000 and 400,000 volts and 50 cross-border lines connect the French network to 33 European countries, thus providing the opportunities for electricity exchanges essential for the economic optimization of the power system. RTE has 8,500 employees.