The extension of the Quai de Flandres was inaugurated today in the presence of Eric Etienne, Sub-prefect for Dunkerque, Patrice Vergriete, Mayor of Dunkerque and President of the Urban Community, Christine Cabau-Woehrel, Executive Vice-President in charge of assets for the CMA CGM Group, Stéphane Raison, President of the Executive Board of Dunkerque-Port, Emmanuelle Verger, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Dunkerque-Port, and Jingtao Bai, CEO of China Merchant Port Group.

The length of the Quai de Flandres is now 1,785 meters, of which nearly 1,000 m have been dredged to -17,30 m depth, making it possible to simultaneously berth in all tidal conditions two Ultra Large Container Ships (ULCS) 400m long, such as the CMA CGM ANTOINE SAINT EXUPERY, the largest container ship in the world flying the French flag. Berthing conditions at the ship terminal have also been improved by replacing all the marine fenders and reinforcing the mooring bollards.
The layout and installation work included earthworks of nearly 650,000 m3 of spoil, the use of 10,000 tons of steel and 15,000 cubic meters of concrete, the dredging of several million m3 of sand and the covering of 3.5 hectares of quayage.
Throughout its duration the worksite was the subject of precautions to limit the impact of the work on the environment including taking protective measures for remarkable species, such as the Natterjack Toad present around the site. Several compensatory measures, consisting of wetlands, mosaics of environments and dunes, have also been recreated on some 35 hectares of land belonging to the Port of Dunkerque.
The new wharf and its facilities were handed over to Terminal des Flandres, operator of the container terminal. All the extension work on the Quai de Flandre was carried out under Dunkerque-Port Project Management and was co-financed by the State.
These new facilities reinforces the competitiveness of the Terminal de Flandres, which is 91% owned by Terminal Link, a subsidiary of the CMA CGM Group, and 9% by Dunkerque-Port. Equipped with 6 gantry cranes and 700 reefer plugs, with a draught ranging from 13.50m to 17.50m for a total capacity of 1 million TEUs (Equivalent Twenty Feet), the terminal currently berths 5 short sea services, 2 feeder services and 4 weekly transoceanic services. Terminal Link has supported the investment with the purchase of 3 next-generation gantries, the last two of which will be delivered in early 2020.