On Monday, 22 October, Patrice Vergriete, President of the Urban Community of Dunkerque, François Soulet de Brugière and Stéphane Raison, respectively Chair of the board of trustees and Chief Executive Officer at Dunkerque-Port, Eric Rommel, Mayor of Loon-Plage, and José Lamaire, representing the 24H FROST company, proceeded to lay the foundation stone for the 24H FROST warehouse, located in the logistics area of the Western Port of Dunkerque.

For more than 50 years the LAMAIRE Company based in Belgium has been one of the leading companies in West Flanders for potato trading on European and international export markets, both in fresh and industrial foods. The company has recently took an agro-industrial turn with the construction of an I FRY brand french fries factory.
The main activity of the company is the production of frozen french fries intended mainly for international exports in refrigerated containers or temperature-controlled trucks. With a production site based in Vleteren, Belgium, refrigerated container potting was carried out at a Belgian logistics provider.
In order to control its own logistics and to benefit from more favourable transport conditions, through its French subsidiary 24H FROST, the LAMAIRE company decided to set up shop in Dunkerque to build and operate its own cold storage warehouse located near the container terminals and ferries of the Western Port.
This new 20 metre-high warehouse will be built on 6,000 sq. m with a freezer volume of 80,000 m3 and a capacity of 10,600 pallets. It will help to initially create 5 to 7 jobs.