The new facilities for arrival, check-in and control of vehicles travelling with DFDS between Dunkirk and Dover came into service during the night of Saturday 16 to Sunday 17 January.

Traffic was switched to the new terminal entrances and the old entrances were closed during the evening. There are now separate entry points for heavy and light vehicles.
Reception for DFDS customers takes place in a new building at the entrance to the site and via a series of check-in booths under an awning. Beyond these installations are specially-designed buildings for the security control of passengers and vehicles.
The route to the boarding areas has also been improved and is now extremely clear for users transiting through the control zones.
Vehicles finally reach a large pre-boarding car park. This has a waiting area with toilets, and a giant screen displaying useful information for passengers.
The last phase of works will be the demolition of the old check-in and control structures. This will free up secure parking space inside the terminal equivalent to three shiploads of vehicles. The official opening is scheduled for 17 March 2016.These works were 10% funded through the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T).