In the middle of 2018, Dunkerque-Port undertook the creation of a secure parking lot located inside the cross-Channel terminal.
It is just one of the systems implemented in conjunction with the British authorities to secure the facilities of the cross-Channel terminal in Dunkerque and offer parking space for heavy goods vehicles.

The secure parking lot is for heavy goods vehicles waiting to embark for England from the port of Dunkerque.
It is managed by the DFDS ferry company which operates a ship departure every two hours (12 crossings per day) from Loon-Plage to Dover. Each ship can ship up to 110 trucks.
The parking lot is an additional service for customers of the cross-Channel terminal in Dunkerque, in preventing heavy goods vehicles from parking upstream of the terminal and helping to limit the problem of parking within the port precinct. It should greatly improve the situation of heavy goods vehicles along the roads located in the communes of the west of Dunkerque.
Drivers can choose their departure time via the DFDS line to Dover (early registration) and wait in a secure area. This allows them to better manage their driving time and mandatory rest periods.
Drivers have access to the lounges and facilities of the cross-Channel terminal.
As far as security is concerned, the parking lot is absolutely safe being equipped with high fences fitted with thermal imaging and video surveillance systems operating 24/24, as well as a more economical lighting system on the entire periphery of the parking lot.
These security features are completed by patrols.
Covering a surface area of ​​about 3 ha, the lot can accommodate some 225 heavy goods vehicles.
The project was made possible thanks to the cooperation of all the stakeholders and operational implementation by DFDS. It helps secure the parking facilities for heavy goods vehicles and fight against illegal immigration.
The equipment will be completed in the coming months by the construction at the entrance of the terminal of a secure Buffer corridor.
The purpose of the complementary development will be to secure heavy goods vehicles at the terminal entrance. Access for heavy goods vehicles will be secured by fencing and video surveillance.Access to the parking lot can be expanded to 3 additional lanes during peak traffic periods, storing up to 200 heavy goods vehicles and avoiding congestion on the surrounding roads.