In order to meet the significant increase in electricity needs in the industrial-port zone of Dunkerque and to participate in the economic attractiveness of the territory, Enedis and RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Electricité) have joined forces with Dunkerque-Port and the Dunkerque Metropolitan Authority in order to build an electrical substation “in advance” in record time, a highly innovative approach. The purpose: to allow future manufacturers to quickly establish themselves in the area concerned. Work has started for commissioning of the substation scheduled for summer 2021.

A partnership serving the region
Co-financed by Enedis, RTE, Dunkerque-Port and the Dunkerque Metropolitan Authority (CUD), the construction of this substation benefits from the expertise of these three contracting authorities: Dunkerque-Port made available 1.54 ha of land within the municipal precinct of Bourbourg, in the industrial port area, and raised the ground level so that the platform could be developed. This operation benefited from the financial participation of the Dunkerque Metropolitan Authority, to the tune of 2.5 million euros.
Operated by Enedis, the future “Grand Port” substation will be connected to RTE’s 225,000 V very high voltage network and will transform the electricity voltage into 20,000 V. Several manufacturers will then be able to connect to it. The innovation lies in the construction of the substation in record time and in advance, that is to say before knowing the final industrial customers, in order to meet the industrial and logistical challenges of the region.
Large-scale work
Work by Enedis and RTE began in July 2020. Enedis ensures overall project management. It is in charge of the development of the platform (reinforcement, drainage, fencing, etc.) as well as electrical and civil engineering works for the facilities.
For its part, RTE is in charge of the common facility which will allow remote digital control of the substation. The pilot company is also overseeing the implementation of its facilities (busbars, line arrivals) and connection to the existing 225,000 V transmission network. The construction of a single new pylon will be necessary and is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021.
This project represents a total investment of around 12.5 million euros including tax. The scalable substation will provide an initial additional power of 80 MW in October 2021 and could eventually, if necessary, be increased to 110 MW.