On 15 November 2012 Christine Cabau Woehrel, Chair of Dunkerque-Port’s Executive Committee, and Philippe Bertonèche, Chair of the Development Board, opened the extensions to the “Multivracs” Bulk Terminal (TMV) and the Dunkerque Multibulk Terminal (DMT).
Since 1996 the Multivracs Bulk Terminal has used a quay 200m long with a draught of 14m and a storage yard of 2 hectares. Operated by SEA-Bulk, it is used for “small bulks” (scrap metal, manganese ore, metal nodules, coke, slag, etc). This terminal has been saturated for several years because of its small area, leading Dunkerque-Port to plan an eastward extension of the quay, in cooperation with SEA-Bulk.
At the end of 2009, after technical studies and a call for tenders, the company EIFFAGE was awarded the construction of a new quay 280m long with a draught of 15.80m.
To build the additional storage yards of 3.5 hectares, the railway line serving the lime shed had to be moved. This work began in April 2010 and was followed by the construction of the quay, the platform, the rainwater drainage network and the lighting. After two years of complex works, the terminal berthed its first ship on 24 September 2012, as soon as it was completed.
For its part, SEA-Bulk with its staff, its travelling cranes, its two power shovels and its large-capacity loaders, will be able to offer efficient service on the new quay. With the new infrastructure, costing a total of €13,100,000, “small bulk” traffic will enter a new phase. The aim is to be using the full capacity of the extension (approximately 1 MT) within three years.
A little further to the east of the port, the Terminal operated by DMT had some major drawbacks: a dilapidated wharf and an incomplete storage yard which made it impossible to store goods near the quay. To give DMT an efficient infrastructure, Dunkerque-Port decided at the beginning of 2010 to demolish the existing wharf and reconstruct a new quay with 1.5 hectare of new storage yards. The company SOGEA was selected to carry out the work which began in April 2011. First of all, DMT moved its wheeled crane by barge near the De Gaulle lock. The work began with the demolition of the existing wharf and continued with the construction of the quay and platform.
SOGEA delivered the structure in early August 2012, after 15 months of work. All DMT had to do was bring its crane back, and this was done on 24 October. With this €12,150,000 extension, the DMT Terminal can now enjoy new prospects for development (clinker, cement, fertiliser, etc).